Tips for child or baby can sleep soundly

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Unlike adults, infants spent dozens of hours per day for sleep. How can he not accustomed to waking in the night?

Tickling HERSELF
Virtually trouble, said Asril Aminullah, actually not really. "As long as parents are smart regulate sleep patterns, no problem. For example, a baby needs to sleep 16 hours. Well, all morning and afternoon, do not let your baby sleep more than eight hours. Wake up and encourage him to play. We must continue to disturb the baby in order to awake. tickling soles of his feet until he awoke. If necessary, take her out and exposed to sunlight. "

At first, continued Asril Aminullah, it may be difficult. But over time, the pattern will be formed. With little lelapnya could not sleep in the morning and afternoon, "he would 'pay' lack of sleep at night. As a result, time to sleep that night so long."

Disturb the baby to wake up, do not need to be done once every hour. If he was sleeping 3-4 hours, only to be disturbed. Also do not because they feel sorry or not the heart to wake the little one who was falling asleep. 'If not the heart, can-can at night, parents who awakened his son, "Asril prank.


Noteworthy, continued Asril Aminullah, do not need any baby wakes up, mothers breast feed. Therefore, your child may not wake up because of hunger. "It could be because his diaper is wet, mosquito bites, or as it was already time to wake up."

At night on the 21:00 o'clock, the mother need not give milk anymore. 'Origin before sleep had been given enough milk. Toh, daytime baby also had a lot of literacy until he needed a long sleep at night. Normally, he'd wake up at 3:00 in the morning. As such, the mother had plenty of time to sleep before returning disturbed by little, "said Asril.

If you still have to give milk, gradually reduce the amount. Simply to make it back to sleep alone. Or, let the father replaces the role of mothers to breast feed your baby. For example mothers milk before bed is prepared in the fridge and little fed with a spoon. "Do not use a bottle because it can damage the child's tastes. Children will become more like a bottle than the mother's nipple. As a result, milk production will be reduced because his mother was rarely stimulated by the baby," explained Asril.


Should your baby sleep with parents? Basically, said Asril Aminullah, the baby can sleep everywhere. Indeed, parents usually choose to sleep the same room with her baby because of security and practical reasons. "So when the baby woke up at midnight, parents can directly handle." In addition, parents also felt closer in spirit if sharing a room with her baby.

How about a separate opinion to sleep just as well to train the child's independence? "Ah, that is, right, because his parents did not want their privacy disturbed. Baby, right, brake on, yet can be trained independently," said Asril. Whatever, he added, choice remains in the hands of parents. "It could also, right, taken the middle ground. We slept in the afternoon or evening, he could be put to sleep in parents' room and night in her own room," he said.

PULL sheets

What precisely needs to be a parent is a security crib. Among others:

* We recommend that the bed has a closed wall and did not put in place that is easily affected by wind.

* Select beds are somewhat hard and flat. Do not be so soft that could drown the baby's head so that when the baby turned around, his nose covered with a mattress. In addition, the mattress is flat and rather good for the formation of tight muscles and spine.

* Sheets to be pulled tight under the mattress, so can not easily tangled when the baby moving. It is feared that folds sheets covering his nose when he could sleep on their side or stomach.

* If using pillows, note the location, not to cover his nose.

* Blankets do not be too thick. Eve is too hot even to make the baby had difficulty breathing.

* Keep the room temperature and keep warm. Do not get too hot and too cold. If the cold air, selimuti baby.


Problem difficult to eat

It turns out the problem difficult to eat this is common in the age of 6 months - 2 years, some say up to age 4 years. Parents have to be extra patient, a lot of praying, and creative to overcome this problem.

# Patience here means not to act rude because it will aggravate the situation. If we are getting impatient and emotional istigfar immediately, and dhikr, remember loh brothers is our mandate and religious fields. Children also can be angry and during this growth will be very vulnerable children.

# Creative, we must be creative to solve this problem, the following tips can overcome them:

1. Varying your diet and the form of food. Diet variations apparently do not have to be fulfilled with rice and side dish menu only. If the child does not want to eat rice, could disiasati by giving non-rice foods of high calorie high protein and rich in nutrients. These foods can include: pudding + milk, avocado and mango (fruit high in calories), the cheese is mixed into vegetable / bread, fruit snacks that add the milk / yogurt (ex: banana + milk).

Second. Creating a pleasant atmosphere. Some people suggest feeding the child while the streets or out of the house. This also applies in our neighborhood. There are children who want to eat while biking around the neighborhood. But, actually ummi rather not agree with these tips. The reason, we did not know whether the air outside is clean, there may be dirt and dust off the food. Umm more like creating a fun atmosphere in the house, for example, with stories and play fun songs.

3. Set mealtimes snack snacks and children. If children eat calorie dense snacks (chocolate, candy, etc.) too much close to meal time so during meal time arrives he will glut and hard to eat rice. Therefore, snacks should be provided is the fruit.

4. Try to find out whether a sick child's condition. If a child is ill advised to eat fruit juice or pulp as it is easier to digest.

5. If you need to try a traditional recipe to solve the problem difficult to eat as follows:

nafu loss can be caused by eating worms or something else like a cold. The fix, clean up a jatropha leaves, then warmed briefly on the lid of the pot. Give smear of coconut oil on the leaves and twisted, then attach a leaf above the navel of the child, who had previously been smeared with oil telon.

When the child's age is more than a year, give herb a try papaya palms, a black knuckles Intersection / Intersection Ireng, tempeh fingers seruas bosok (Tempe last), and a little salt. All the ingredients finely ground, then squeeze the disposable cloth and put it into child's mouth. "Usefulness of black meeting to remove the worm, while the papaya to increase appetite, and tempeh bosok for the stamina or the strength of his body.

To add a child's appetite may also with the ingredients: first knuckles of ginger, brown sugar, water sufficiently, and a little salt, then boiled and strained. Drinks in children 1-2 tablespoons a day

Create mothers who have problems like this do not worry yes, with patience, prayer, and tried all the problems will be resolved. One thing we must always remember that caring for children is the field of worship for us. Good luck with these tips.


The role of environment on child development

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Many parents still do not know exactly how to maximize the care of children. And consequently the child's health is often not well maintained. This is due to the lack of information obtained by the parents on how to treat children with good and proper, therefore, are now so many media that provide additional information for parents to be more leverage in caring for their children, one of them is the internet media.And no less important factor in the process of caring for children is the support from various parties, including the environment. Good environment, will further provide a positive influence on child development, on the contrary, unfavorable environment, it can give negative effects on child development. Parents should be more selective in choosing the child's social environment, so that children do not fall into the negative world, which may threaten the health of the child.


Treasure That is Priceless

Children are a treasure that is priceless. Children are a gift from God. As a gift, of course, every parent should be grateful and also protecting children in order to avoid any problems. Often parents negligent in caring for their children, so that things happen that are not desirable, even possible they could lose their child is loved them. Therefore, in the care of children, parents should be careful and also devoted all his attention only to the child. Do not let his children exposed to a disease that causes these children can not indulge as usual, finally grows up disturbed only because of illness. Is this what you want? Of course not, because I'm sure every parent is very fond of children, more than anything else. So also in the selection of supplements and vitamins to maintain health of the child, parents should be selective and careful in choosing the product, to avoid regret. I provide a place for parents around the world to provide the best attention to their children in terms of health. Together, we protect their future ...


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